domingo, 16 de enero de 2011


Aquí os presento un tema que seguro que os interesa. Leedlo y, a continuación,  tratad de adivinar cuáles son los rasgos que definen  cada una de las tibus urbanas que os propongo: emos, grungers, goths y hippies. Para responder puedes valerte de tus conocimientos, de tu intuición y... de Internet. Podrás comprobar si tus respuestas son correctas en clase con la ayuda de un power point que he preparado para vosotros. También os ofrezco un vídeo donde podéis haceros una idea de la cantidad y diversidad de tribus urbanas que existen. ¡Que lo disfrutéis!


Urban tribes are groups of people in urban areas who have some kind of close association based upon similar lifestyles or activities"

"Urban tribes are young city people that gather in relatively small, fluid groups. These groups share common interests that are, in general, different from the interests of mainstream culture". (Michel Maffesoli)

They are made up by groups of people – usually young, with a distinct common identity: the same aesthetic codes, the same identity symbols, the same rules, the same language, the same music… A whole ideology! They are a reflection of what they love or what they hate and of their own instincts. We can find them in any Spanish city, but they are usually concentrated in the big cities like Madrid, Barcelona or Seville


Ñetas y Latin Kins, Pijos, Ocupas, Pelolais o Barbies, Mods, Emos, Heavies,  Rastas, Hardcores, Góticos, Grunges, Skaters, Rockers, Raperos, Wannabes, Lolailos, Frikis, Canis y Bakalaeros.

Some of them are nearly extinct, and others in full expansion. It is estimated that in Madrid alone coexist more than fifteen tribes. They usually meet in central, commercial or nightlife areas.

Sometimes people associate urban tribes with violence. In fact, there are some of them which are linked to incidents, brutal attacks and social problems; but many of them are inoffensive.

Do you know What ?..
Urban tribes are not new, but a very fashionable tendency. In fact, they date back hundreds years: concretely to the 18th century in Madrid: There are some references identifying them in paintings by Goya or Atienza !

Now try to do the following exercise.


Here there are some characteristics of four different urban tribes: EMOS, GRUNGERS , GOTHS  and HIPPIES. They are mixed up, so you have to decide which one belongs to each tribe.

         _____ They don`t like fashion and don`t care about their hair style.
         _____ They  usually wear skinny jeans and t-shirt declaring their love for their favourite band
         _____ They  love checkerboard vans .
         ______  They love things related to death and cemeteries such as ghouls and coffins.
         _____  Their rule is: “any colour as long as it`s black.That’s why they dye their hair and use black fingernail polisher.
         _____ They usually wear jeans .
         _____  Men usually wear beards and women don’t use make-up.
         ______  They wear sandals or go barefoot.
         _____  They choose brightly coloured clothing.
         ______  They are all love Nirvana and Kurl Cobain is their icon.
         _____  A tortured soul is optional.
         ______  Both genders have long hair.
         _____ y _____   Their eye liner bill is huge.

1. Can you write any other characteristics of these tribes?

2. Do you Know any other urban tribes?

3. What is your favourite tribe? Why?

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